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60 items found for ""

  • 1.5 Thrill along Hidden Trail | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 5. The Thrill along the Hidden Trail Scene summary: The Z5 crew walked into the bushes, spotted an entrance under the tree's shadow, and decided to track the ants to the yapple tree led by Nova and get chased by a giant snake. chapter 1 scene 5 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:09

  • 2.7 Dangerous Trap of Rainbow Falls | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 7. The Bridge over the Troubled Water Scene summary: After the crew united, they thought Stark was already dead. As soon as they saw the whole rainbow crossing the considerable fall, they all screamed like a bunch of kids on the top of a roller coaster. chapter 2 scene 7 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:12

  • 1.2 Suspense over Exotic Mask | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 2. The Suspense over the Exotic Mask Scene summary: A Z5 team member, Monique, saw some alien characters on Nova’s mask. Then, the mask on Nova’s face caused her to consider that Nova was a spy who worked for the Dark Magician and did not trust him. chapter 1 scene 2 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:11 When 2003/09/02 Where The People Republic of China How Golden Shield Project is planned in the People Republic of China in 2003/09/02 in response to an increasingly global network strategy which become one of the twelve important system construction projects of government construction.

  • 3.4 The Shadow on the Cave Wall | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 4. The Shadow on the Cave Wall Scene summary: The crew could walk through the maze safely, thanks to Nova's mathematic analysis and successfully found Bondi. chapter 3 scene 4 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:07

  • Pathon | Raphael's Web

    Lufton Pathon Pathfinder

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  • 3.7 The Surprise of the Magic Gem | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 7. The Surprise of the Magic Gem Scene summary: ​ While stopping a fight between Bondi and Monique, Howard accidentally dropped the gem that he had kept, and the gem showed Stark how could get out of the dark cave. chapter 3 scene 7 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:09

  • 3.1 The Setout of the Survival | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 1. The Setout of the Survival Crux Scene summary: Seeing Stark standing in the cave totally surprised the entire crew and made them think they were seeing the ghost of Stark. chapter 3 scene 1 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:07

  • 3.5 The Rescue by the Angel Light | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 5. The Rescue by the Angel Light Scene summary: After the crew met the dark magician, they thought Nova was working for the dark magician because he had a deal with the dark magician, but actually, Nova made the deal under Islemma's lead. chapter 3 scene 5 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:11

  • Part I. Bubble Forest | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part IV. Cracking Cliff Part III. Dark Cave Click the [numbers] below to read my summary of this fantastic book

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