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  • L.A.B Lab | L.A.B. Lab

    Home L.A.B Lab Gallery Poems Book Review Matrix The Stock Market Metaverse MyBlog Search Introduction of "L.A.B." Lab Using Python to Solve TSP Using Matlab to visualize functions of x, y and z with Various Degrees~Part1~ Using Matlab to Draw a Rice Dumpling Singularity The Lift Force of Butterfly’s Gliding Using Matlab to Visualize Nonlinear Geometry ~Part2~

  • Raphael | Raphael's Web

    ←I live here . Subscribe Me You can go to my web at " "

  • Gallery | L.A.B. Lab

    One-Pic GeoGebra Collection Hand Painted

  • Identity Matrix | Raphael's Web

    Identity Matrix ←back Matrix Operation Determinant of a Matrix

  • Rainbow Arch | Raphael's Web

    Book List Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Next Book Image resource Rainbow Arch an adventure in the treasure wonderland Where I read the story and the image Main Characters in this story: Stark, Howard, Omar, Monique, Bondi, Nova, and the Dark Magician

  • Matrix Operation | Raphael's Web

    Matrix Operation ←back Determinant of a Matrix Identity Martix

  • Signal Processing for Communications | Raphael's Web

    Signal Processing for Communications Chapter 1 What Is Digital Signal Processing? Back

  • Determinant of a Matrix | Raphael's Web

    Determinant of a Matrix ←back Matrix Operation Identity Martix

  • GeoGebra Collection | Raphael's Web

    GeoGebra Collection Back Flags Matrix and Vector Equation

  • Hand Painted | Raphael's Web

    Hand-Painted East Asia Gallery Go to the Top EAST ASIA

  • Telsa | Raphael's Web

    How to use google excel to track the stock market of Tesla Inc? The last time I wrote an article about tracking the stock market, I used Power BI, but it had been unsuccessful because the data can't update itself automatically every day. I tried to solve the problem by using the "GOOGLEFINANCE" module in google excel, which will give me the daily stocks on the dates. ​ There is the stock market of Tesla, from "2010/6/29 (the day that Tesla has its own stock market) to today.

  • Three Robots | Raphael's Web

    Lufton Pathon Pathfinder

  • 2.2 Princess Clejin of Black Castle | Raphael's Web

    Scene 2. The Jape of the Spacetime Puzzle Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene summary: Nova had a dream. In this dream, Nova found out that the adventure with the Z5 crew is just a test that his father gave him, and his father and his teacher sent him into the black castle. chapter 2 scene 2 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:10

  • 4.3 The Puzzle at the Fate Junction | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 3. The Puzzle at the Fate Junction Scene summary: When the crew went inside a small shelter and found a line of words, Monique became frightened because of her previous experience. chapter 4 scene 3 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:08

  • 4.5 The Rush to the Karma Gate | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 5. The Rush to the Karma Gate Scene summary: While Stark was carrying Omar on his back he realized his fate's trap as soon as he reached the Karma Gate and spotted the vultures circling above. chapter 4 scene 5 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:08

  • 4.7 The Escape across the Rainbow Bridge | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 7. The Escape across the Rainbow Bridge Scene summary: Knowing they need to ruin the dark magician's army calling scheme, Stark and Nova fall into the abyss of hell together. After leaving the abyss of hell, all members of the Z5 crew came out safely. Even though they haven't routed the dark magician, they are determined to defeat him. Islemma told Nova Novahan people had awarded him. chapter 4 scene 7 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:21

  • 4.1 The Search for the Spirit Cure | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 1. The Search for the Spirit Cure Scene summary: The crew met a man called "Country Folk" and asked him if there was any doctor for curing Bondi. After meeting Country Folk, the crew thought an evil controlled that Bondi spirit. chapter 4 scene 1 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:10

  • Pathfinder | Raphael's Web

    Lufton Pathon Pathfinder

  • 2.5 Shork Attack in Water Curse | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 5. The Overture of the Water Curse Scene summary: While three of the Z5 and Nova were crossing the river, Stark had to fight off the monsters all by himself because Bondi was unconscious and the other two were panicking. chapter 2 scene 5 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:10

  • 3.3 The Battle with the Bat Troupe | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 3. The Battle with the Bat Troupe Scene summary: Omar and Howard had fallen down the water slope while Nova was fighting off bats. Nova and Monique jumped down the water slope after Howard and Omar had fallen down. chapter 3 scene 3 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:11

  • 2.4 Strategic Plans over Barus Blockade | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 4. The Sneak through the Funky Blockade Scene summary: Howard, Stark, and Nova finally get through the cursed river with Nova's help and try very hard to save Bondi while they still can while Omar and Monique are looking at an eagle. chapter 2 scene 4 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:11

  • 1.1 Encounter by Noname Boulder | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 1. The Encounter by the Unknown Boulder Scene summary The Z5 crew, Stark, Bondi, Monique, Howard, and Omar, were rushing toward a scene with a dazzling light and emerged over many borders. Just when they did this, an alien named Nova from another faraway planet gave little trust to him. chapter 1 scene 1 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:18 When 2004/02/04 Where Inside the Harvard University How Zuckerberg made the social media named Facebook in 2004, building a social networking platform, and promoted Web 2.0 into a new realm.

  • 4.6 The Invitation to the Moonlight Part | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 6. The Invitation to the Moonlight Party Scene summary: Nova used his infrared vision to track the creepy subject, crossing the creaky bridge, and it emerged as Bondi with the evil red eyes and told them to join a revival party. After the red-eyed Bondi had left, Nova insisted on helping Stark, even though Stark want to do the mission on his own. chapter 4 scene 6 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:18

  • Poems | Raphael's Web

    ​5 Words 1 Poems corporate with Pathon the Robot inundate hospitable odor scent fragrant ​ The land is inundated by seawater. The land becomes hospitable. The odor of unknown sea animals spread in the land. The scent of flowers had been long gone. Nothing is fragrant in the water-covered land. wobble uncanny acumen legacy philanthropist ​ The kind-hearted philanthropist was wobbling on the beach, because of the most uncanny thing she saw. A legacy of her grandfather appeared in the seawater near her. In a blink of an eye, an acumen crab broke it with its claws. debunk vulgar shallow flummox ambiguous ​ How dictators threatened people had been debunked. The dictator is vulgar and cruel. Swimming in a shallow sea every day, thinking about how to be crueler. People had been flummoxing about it is true or not. Making the information more ambiguous. uncanny acumen legacy allegiance feudalism ​ The uncanny thing happened. An acumen person saw his friend, flying smoothly with his grandfather’s legacy. His friend is allegiance to his grandfather because his grandfather is a king of a feudalistic country. nostalgia uncanny poseur affable acclaim ​ The man returned home with nostalgia. Uncannily, he met a rude person. The person was a poseur, and he was not affable, but everyone acclaimed him because he was a dictator. stray uncanny acumen legacy allegiance He strayed in the sea, and on the land. He thought how uncanny that he will survive. An acumen animal climbed on his legs. The legacy still in his backpack, he allegiantly adopted the animal. endemic sporadic affinity amalgamate animosity While social media are endemic. Sporadic students are lost in the maze of social media. People share their affinities but don’t realize they are fake We need to amalgamate and tell people how social media is eating their souls. And see how rumors on social media create animosity. effluvium odor serenity reminiscent judicious When effluvium swept across Africa and odor filled the starving region. We know that the food crisis has broken the serenity. And it becomes reminiscent of hunger and starvation while judicious politicians try to solve inflation problems.

  • 1.6 Turn at Obscure Swamp | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Image resource Scene 6. Intimidation of Vicious Swamp Lizard Scene summary: When the crew was on the hidden trail, a vicious lizard blocked Monique’s way, causing her to get lost on the hidden trail. Nova is quite pleased because it is an opportunity for him to win the respect from the Z5 crew by blocking the snake. chapter 1 scene 6 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:12

  • Part IV. Cracking Cliff | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff

  • Part III. Dark Cave | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff

  • ISLEMMA | Raphael's Web

    ​5 Words 1 Poems corporate with Pathon the Robot inundate hospitable odor scent fragrant ​ The land is inundated by seawater. The land becomes hospitable. The odor of unknown sea animals spread in the land. The scent of flowers had been long gone. Nothing is fragrant in the water-covered land. wobble uncanny acumen legacy philanthropist ​ The kind-hearted philanthropist was wobbling on the beach, because of the most uncanny thing she saw. A legacy of her grandfather appeared in the seawater near her. In a blink of an eye, an acumen crab broke it with its claws. debunk vulgar shallow flummox ambiguous ​ How dictators threatened people had been debunked. The dictator is vulgar and cruel. Swimming in a shallow sea every day, thinking about how to be crueler. People had been flummoxing about it is true or not. Making the information more ambiguous. uncanny acumen legacy allegiance feudalism ​ The uncanny thing happened. An acumen person saw his friend, flying smoothly with his grandfather’s legacy. His friend is allegiance to his grandfather because his grandfather is a king of a feudalistic country. nostalgia uncanny poseur affable acclaim ​ The man returned home with nostalgia. Uncannily, he met a rude person. The person was a poseur, and he was not affable, but everyone acclaimed him because he was a dictator. stray uncanny acumen legacy allegiance He strayed in the sea, and on the land. He thought how uncanny that he will survive. An acumen animal climbed on his legs. The legacy still in his backpack, he allegiantly adopted the animal.

  • 3.6 The Suspense over the Surreal Reuni | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 6. The Suspense over the Surreal Reunion Scene summary: ​ The crew finally rescued Bondi, but her personality changed, and she was like the other Monique. After they saved Bondi, the crew jumped up the cave by the force of the current by Bondi's instruction. chapter 3 scene 6 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:12

  • 1.4 Gift from Oracle Tree | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 4. The Gift from the Oracle Tree Scene summary: ​Monique had found a gem displayed on an octagon charming pattern that anyone could feel excited inside a big, old tree. After that, they found a yapple tree helped by Nova's advanced vision. chapter 1 scene 4 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:10

  • Book Review | Raphael's Web

    Rainbow Arch by Jenher Jeng Signal Processing for Communications By Paolo Prandoni, Martin Vetterli

  • Pathon | Raphael's Web

    ​5 Words 1 Poems corporate with Pathon the Robot inundate hospitable odor scent fragrant ​ The land is inundated by seawater. The land becomes hospitable. The odor of unknown sea animals spread in the land. The scent of flowers had been long gone. Nothing is fragrant in the water-covered land. wobble uncanny acumen legacy philanthropist ​ The kind-hearted philanthropist was wobbling on the beach, because of the most uncanny thing she saw. A legacy of her grandfather appeared in the seawater near her. In a blink of an eye, an acumen crab broke it with its claws. debunk vulgar shallow flummox ambiguous ​ How dictators threatened people had been debunked. The dictator is vulgar and cruel. Swimming in a shallow sea every day, thinking about how to be crueler. People had been flummoxing about it is true or not. Making the information more ambiguous. uncanny acumen legacy allegiance feudalism ​ The uncanny thing happened. An acumen person saw his friend, flying smoothly with his grandfather’s legacy. His friend is allegiance to his grandfather because his grandfather is a king of a feudalistic country. nostalgia uncanny poseur affable acclaim ​ The man returned home with nostalgia. Uncannily, he met a rude person. The person was a poseur, and he was not affable, but everyone acclaimed him because he was a dictator. stray uncanny acumen legacy allegiance He strayed in the sea, and on the land. He thought how uncanny that he will survive. An acumen animal climbed on his legs. The legacy still in his backpack, he allegiantly adopted the animal.

  • 3.2 The Echo of the Eerie Laughter | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 2. The Echo of the Eerie Laughter Scene summary: Stark is determined to search for Bondi and bravely followed the mysterious voice of Bondi and climbed down, even though the other crew member thought it was a trap which is made by the dark magician. chapter 3 scene 2 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:12

  • Lufton | Raphael's Web

    Lufton Pathon Pathfinder How Lufton learns … Human experts can teach Lufton to build its basic inference framework with conceptual building blocks called “domino” and networks to shape structural and critical views on how the world evolves. On the other hand, Lufton can help cybernetic experts build out the domino network.

  • 2.3 Split over Dilemma of Water Curse | Raphael's Web

    Scene 3. The Split over the Tricky Dilemma Scene summary: Stark was determined to save Bondi by crossing the river, even though their master had warned them that Enigma Canyon had cursed the water, leaving Omar and Monique, who didn't want to go with Stark. ​ chapter 2 scene 3 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:08 Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff

  • 4.2 The Warning of the Country Folk | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 2. The Warning of the Country Folk Scene summary:​ The country folk tried to convince Stark to go home and warned him about the poisonous yapples and Stark was trying to figure out what caused Bondi's hysterical shouting. chapter 4 scene 2 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:09

  • Part II. Rainbow Falls | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff

  • 2.6 Monique Daredevil at Horror Tower | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 6. The Sign at the Horror Tower Scene summary: Monique went into the horror tower and left Omar, who didn't want to go in behind, but Monique soon ran out of the horror tower because she heard two people talking about her. chapter 2 scene 6 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:10

  • 1.3 Hint by Sneaky Bird | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 3. The Hint by the Sneaky Bird Scene summary: Nova, who had an infrared vision tried to do Howard a favor by tracking down heggi birds, a kind of bird that likes to eat a food named yapple, and somehow caused Howard to trip over and fell down crying. chapter 1 scene 3 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:10

  • 1.7 Treat on Round Hilltop | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 7. The Treat on the Round Hill Scene summary: The crew members finally found out how to get yapples from the bubble tree on the rounded hill by heggi birds and were eating happily and enjoying their food. Bondi was not enjoying yapples because she did not like to eat them. chapter 1 scene 7 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:11

  • 2.1 The Hide inside the Enigmatic Canyon | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 1. The Hide inside the Enigmatic Canyon Scene summary: In the cave at night, while Nova was volunteering to protect his teammates, he looked into the galaxy and realized that he missed his home. chapter 2 scene 1 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:07

  • Matrix | Raphael's Web

    Matrix Matrix Operation Determinant of a Matrix Identity Matrix Adjugate of a Matrix Inverse of a Matrix Matrix Division Matrix Operation Top Determinant of a Matrix Top Identify Matrix Top Adjugate of a Matrix Top Inverse of a Matrix Top Matrix Division Top

  • 4.4 The Myth of the Forbidden Ground | Raphael's Web

    Part I. Bubble Forest Part II. Rainbow Falls Part III. Dark Cave Part IV. Cracking Cliff Scene 4. The Myth of the Forbidden Ground Scene summary: After eating the yapples, only Stark and Nova seemed to be alive. The others are unconscious, and after the priest's visit, Stark thinks there is no hope of saving the others. chapter 4 scene 4 Artist Name 00:00 / 00:11

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