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​5  Words  1  Poems

corporate  with Pathon  the  Robot

inundate hospitable odor scent fragrant


The land is inundated by seawater.

The land becomes hospitable.

The odor of unknown sea animals spread in the land.

The scent of flowers had been long gone.

Nothing is fragrant in the water-covered land.

wobble uncanny acumen legacy philanthropist


The kind-hearted philanthropist

was wobbling on the beach,

because of the most uncanny thing she saw.

A legacy of her grandfather appeared in the seawater near her.

In a blink of an eye, an acumen crab broke it with its claws.

debunk vulgar shallow flummox ambiguous


How dictators threatened people had been debunked.

The dictator is vulgar and cruel.

Swimming in a shallow sea every day, thinking about how to be crueler.

People had been flummoxing about it is true or not.

Making the information more ambiguous.

uncanny acumen legacy allegiance feudalism


The uncanny thing happened.

An acumen person saw his friend,

flying smoothly with his grandfather’s legacy.

His friend is allegiance to his grandfather

because his grandfather is a king of a feudalistic country.

nostalgia uncanny poseur affable acclaim


The man returned home with nostalgia.

Uncannily, he met a rude person.

The person was a poseur,

and he was not affable,

but everyone acclaimed him because he was a dictator.

stray uncanny acumen legacy allegiance


He strayed in the sea, and on the land.

He thought how uncanny that he will survive.

An acumen animal climbed on his legs.

The legacy still in his backpack,

he allegiantly adopted the animal.

endemic sporadic affinity amalgamate animosity


While social media are endemic.

Sporadic students are lost in the maze of social media.

People share their affinities but don’t realize they are fake

We need to amalgamate and tell people how social media is eating their souls.

And see how rumors on social media create animosity.

effluvium odor serenity reminiscent judicious


When effluvium swept across Africa

and odor filled the starving region.

We know that the food crisis has broken the serenity.

And it becomes reminiscent of hunger and starvation

while judicious politicians try to solve inflation problems.

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