The Senses of Butterflies
Detailed information on the eyesight of butterflies:
Butterflies carry proteins called cryptochrome that is sensitive to blue lights
Butterflies can see magnetic fields, which is named magnetoception
To butterflies, the sky is stripped because they see parabolic, which are the magnetic fields
Most of the butterflies can see 4 colors. Some of them can see five or 5 and can see colors we can’t see
Butterflies can see UV light, which can help them detect nectar
Butterflies can perceive polarized light or light waves that move in only one direction
“What Life Is like for a Butterfly.” Anupam Katkar, Anupam Katkar, 28 Jan. 2016, Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.
Undetailed information on the senses of butterflies:
Touch through hairs that extend through sockets on the exoskeleton
Tactile setae are scattered evenly over the whole body
Have a variety of responses to touch, which may change over time
Touch through hairs that extend through sockets on the exoskeleton
Tactile setae are scattered evenly over the whole body
Specialized setae and nerves can help them sense wind, gravity, and the position of the head, body, wings, legs, antennae, etc
Perceive sound through tactile setae
Mainly respond to sudden noises (habituation)
Sense sound through veins in their wings
Limited and poor
See the same range of light as adults
See with 12 ocelli
See with thousands of ommatidia
See with compound eyes